Monday, October 1, 2012

A glimpse into my life

WARNING: this post contains large, and I mean large, amounts of photos...I have a problem :)

My phone got a little upgrade & it came with a panaroma feature for my camera, PERFECT! Well here are some shots of the lodge & the beautiful scenery that surrounds it. I am going to miss these breathtaking views.

 Dining Room at Triangle C Ranch 

View off the deck (minus the bendiness) 


About 10 minutes down the road from the Ranch by Dubois, lots of pretty farms & ranches

Very oddly colored photo of the break room/Wrangler Room
My mouse-infested cabin

& these other ones are just some awesome views I had on my way home from a date. Now don't get too excited mom, I hadn't left the camp in close to a week & was going stir crazy, so I took myself out to dinner, a hike & then watched a movie with a big slice of pie & ice cream. Things went really well & I think I am going to go out again! 

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