Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I'm a big girl now!

Okay, I can't hold it in anymore...I AM MOVING! I am leaving Wyoming! I am getting a new job! I am going to live in a home! I am going to be an adult finally! I was thinking of saying it in some elegant & mature way, but you know what? I am too excited to hold it in! 

So here is the story:
When I got this job at the ranch I think I always knew it wouldn't last. It was the right choice, but I started feeling out of place & unsettled, & when I get that feeling I know that a change needs to occur. I started looking for work at the beginning August, I wanted something that would utilize my degree & place me in an environment that was uplifting. 
As I was sitting in a hotel room in Salt Lake City with all my sisters I found a job listing for a public relations writer for Southern Utah University in Cedar City, UT, but it closed that night. I hurry & filled out an application, wrote a cover letter & tweaked my resume, about a month later they called me. I thought they had forgotten about little ole' me! 4 days later I had a phone interview & literally 2 hours later they called & asked if I would come to Cedar City for another interview. I calmly said yes but y'all know I was screaming on the inside! 
But then came the hard part: telling my bosses (all 3 of them) my plans & how it didn't include them. Gosh, it was worse then breaking up with a boy! Normally for me I would only have 1 boy to break it off with at a time, & after an awkward goodbye you don't see them hopefully ever again. But with a job, you give them your notice & you have to stick around & endure awkward silences & weird looks. 
Last Saturday I left the ranch with my slacks neatly pressed & all sorts of nervousness in my belly. This could either change my life or just be a really long road trip. After staying a night with Emily in Rexburg, I left early Sunday morning for Cedar City. Quite a long trek down there, but it was beautiful. The trees were alive with color! Fall has gotta be my favorite season! 
That Sunday night I went out to dinner with my potential supervisor Jen Burt & Dean, vice president of communication. I hadn't eaten real good all day & I was starving when dinner came around, but I was so dang nervous I would spill on my shirt or get broccoli in my teeth I literally only took 8 bites. Dinner went well & I celebrated by eating at Wendys with a massive hamburger. 
The next round of interviews started in the morning & I was already. Met with a committee of people, took a writing a test & then had a campus tour (campus is beautiful by the way). While I was there I just knew that I was going to live there. Everything felt so right, I just knew I had to get down there! 
That afternoon I got back in the car & headed back to Wyoming. Driving through the Lagon Canyon to Bear Lake was breathtaking! I love fall! (Whoops, did I already say that, oh well it need to be shouted over & over again!)
After spending the night in Lagon & getting back to the ranch Tuesday afternoon, I only worked 3 hours when I got a phone call. They told me it would take a week! But only after a day they called me back! They offered me the job! I know God has had a hand in all of this & he is watching me walk down this path. 

"Do not fear the future. Go forward with hope and faith. Remember that supernal gift of the Holy Ghost. Learn to be taught by it. Learn to seek it. Learn to live by it. Learn to pray always in the name of Jesus Christ (see3 Nephi 18:19–20). The Spirit of the Lord will attend you, and you will be blessed. We have deep and profound faith in you." -Pres Boyd K Packer

Sorry for the large amount of text! It won't happen again. 

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