Saturday, September 15, 2012

The small things have become great

In the scriptures they always talk about how "by small & simple things great things are brought to pass." I have never understood that phrase more than I did exactly one week at 2:34 a.m. My boss had asked me to move into a different cabin & I was totally cool with it because it has an actual heater, working shower & right next to the lodge, SAWEET! But as I was unpacking I started see these small & simple things, crawling out of holes, sneaking around my dresser & sniffing at my blanket. Mice. My cabin was infested with mice! MICE!

As I went to bed that night I really didn't worry too much, but I had no idea what was in store for me. At exactly 2:34 a.m. I felt something scratching my head, very tiny scratches. I freak! I start screaming, but that really nasty man scream every woman has at 2:34 a.m., classy right? And this continued the rest of the night. I would hear scratching & clawing &  squeaking & then CRACK! Mouse trap & then more scratching from said almost dead mouse. It was the worst. Needless to say I didn't get very much sleep. This cycle went on for another 4 hours, until I went to sleep at 6:30ish & had to wake up at 7:30, yeah I was late for work.

That morning I caught 6 mice, next 2 days 4 mice, then it has slowly dwindled down. I can now say I have slept the entire night for 3 straight nights, it is amazing! But even more crazy, was when a mouse almost crawled down my pants, DOWN! Never felt so violated, stinky little fellow! Y'all know it had to be boy mouse! But as it has gotten colder, reaching about 20 degrees during the night, the mice are slowly going away, hopefully dieing.

But now you may all call me Jessica, the Master Mouse Slayer! Killing 24 mice & 1 pack rat in just a week. Yep, putting that on my resume!


  1. That is still so gross!! Congrats on the blog and joining the frenzy :)

  2. that is so freaky! i will show the boys your blog, they will be excited! we had a baby mouse caught in our bathtub when we lived in the folwell's infested basement, i drowned it. good times!
